I'm looking for some info on how to set up the soft limits on each axis to prevent them from triggering the limit switches. Does it require encoders to work?
Any help appreciated.
Group: DynoMotion
Message: 1658
From: Tom Kerekes
Date: 8/8/2011
Subject: Re: Using Soft Limits
Hi EK,
We don't currently support soft limits. Mainly because we haven't worked through a general way for them to be handled. It should be possible to write a simple watchdog loop as a User Program that would monitor machine coordinates and when out of range do something like disable all the axes in the system. If you wanted to experiment with this I could help.
--- On Mon, 8/8/11, ekonradsson <erlendur.konradsson@...> wrote:
From: ekonradsson <erlendur.konradsson@...> Subject: [DynoMotion] Using Soft Limits To: DynoMotion@yahoogroups.com Date: Monday, August 8, 2011, 12:22 PM
I'm looking for some info on how to set up the soft limits on each axis to prevent them from triggering the limit switches. Does it require encoders to work?